No matter where you live and whether you have a letterbox

Havelberg magazine: Receive editions as PDF by e-mail?

Would you like to be the first to receive our quarterly Havelberg magazine for free and digitally as a PDF? Then please enter your e-mail address here:

Next, please open your e-mail inbox and confirm with a link that you have registered here.

In the next e-mail, we will ask you to reply with your current place of residence. Why? Havelberg is well known and popular beyond the town itself. We want to make this visible with the map in the next section.

Where do our digital readers live?

We are happy to recommend our small publication to exiled Havelbergers and guests of the Hanseatic city. Let’s stay in friendly contact, come again!

Thank you very much for your commitment!

Who writes here?

Richard Banks lebt seit 2023 auf der Stadtinsel. Weil es kein Stadtmagazin gab, hat er dieses gestartet. Sonst ist er Investor, Autor und Networker. Kontakt aufnehmen?

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